York Rite Bodies of Grant County

Meets as a group the 1st Tues @ 7pm
     (no meeting July and August)
        701 Eastmont Drive
        Gas City, IN 46933


icocrown.gif (631 bytes)The Commandery # 21
Knights Templar
Chivalric Orders

A Commandery of Knights Templar - summit and crowning body of the York Rite - confers three Orders (degrees).  The first is widely acclaimed for its colorful presentation of dramatic incidents which occurred during the late years of the Ancient Craft.   Then the two Orders which follow - concluding with the incomparable Order of the Temple - enter the Age of Chivalry and Christian Knighthood and therefore are knows as Chivalric Masonry.

The ancient knights who organized the original Order of the Temple in the 12th century were the flower of knighthood, sworn to defend the weak and aged, and particularly to protect the pious and defenseless pilgrims who journeyed to the sacred shrines of the Holy Land.  Their modern counterparts also are sworn soldiers of the Cross, faithful servants of the living Christ who support the same principles which guided their knightly ancestors - protection of the weak against oppression, charity and the relief of distress, defense of the Christian religion and acceptance of the teachings of Jesus.  The Knights Templar of America have a long and noble record of outstanding achievement for the Christian Faith.  It is a high honor to be knighted in one of their many Commanderies.



icocryp2.gif (444 bytes)  The Council #28
Royal and Select Masters
Cryptic Degrees

A Council of Royal and Select Masters confers the two Cryptic Degrees of Masonry, so called because they are chiefly concerned with a crypt, an important subterranean vault known only to a select few of the Craft.  The wise Chief Architect of   Solomon's Temple knew that the protection and preservation of Masonry's principle secret - known only to three - was vital to the future welfare and progress of the Craft.   how he guarded against its possible loss is the central theme of these magnificent degrees, both of which are essential to a full appreciation of the Hiramic Legend - the crowning glory of Freemasonry!



icoram1.gif (1031 bytes) The Chapter #55
Royal Arch Masonry
Capitular Degrees
High Priest:  

A Chapter of Royal Arch masons confers four degrees, popularly know as Capitular Degrees because they are the capstone of Ancient Craft Masonry.  Rich in pageantry and dramatic appeal, the first three culminate in the completion and spectacular dedication of King Solomon's Temple.  The fourth and final degree of Royal Arch Mason - oldest degree of any Rite - is concerned with the recovery and identification of "that which was lost" and for which the Master Mason degree provided only a substitute.  The Royal Arch is rightfully called the Most Sublime Degree.  It is a stirring, heart-warming and uplifting experience that will ever remain a memorable highlight of you Masonic career - a fitting climax to all that has preceded.



For more information email York Rite Bodies


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